Monday, December 3, 2012

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Count the knoll ascent of inside up.Appeared Xue Wan Che ground the figure , at this time, still follow behind ground close Wei to only have only 2 people by him.
The battle armor on the body of Xue Wan Che has already solved bottom, still keep being covered with the military dress of last night on the body, the top is full ground after being a dried up blood stain, jet black one.The east is one regiment, the west is a whole body all BE,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift.
Xue Wan Che Chi Chi ground the city tower that hope a county, the top Gao highland flaunts Gao Chang Jun's military flag, black bottom red Long Qi, he tightly the Zuan wear a fist, the tooth bites the Luo Luo make ring, momentary, annoy blood difficult even.
"Adult!We leave!"
A close Wei forward 2.Dynasty he the Gong body say.
"Yes!Adult, the gentleman revenges, decade not and late, stay at the green mountain where afraid have no the firewood burn.As long as we return to a thistle county,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, again from the commander in chief there important point troops and horses come.Is certain ability snow the disgrace of today!"
Another close Wei says for chamber in a side.
Xue Wan Che deeply absorbed an one breath and suddenly once turned round, the back towardsed a county county city dynasty hillside bottom line go to, 3 people turn over a body to ride Shuan the war horse by the side of the forest, Yang whip but go.
Is empty to stay smoke and dust, gradual dissipation.
Similarly in the noon, at several hundred in outside, the mood of someone compares with Xue Wan Che as different as chalk and cheese, he rides in tall big scallion right away and wield the gold as handle ground horsewhip, stand still on the low hill, the eyes see below the hills his more than 10,000 sons Lang to be like general Man of ant over the prairie, Man lead low hill, go toward Man in the afar.
This person is from number together the king's Sun Xuan Ya.
Sun Xuan Ya, Bohai Sea(cure now sun letter in Shandong southwest) person of Sui, originally one Hao in Bohai Sea is strong, big industry nine years(613), Sun Xuan Ya sees world greatly in disorder, hence send forth patrimony, come together clansmen sons, accepting Long to flow a people anti- Sui is since the matter.
He once at Jiu thief Liu overbearing troops effect, after violent in action Liu dies in battle, he again and river the character Qian formed alliance, total anti- Sui soldier, the space Qian dies at under the Yang Yi Chen's knife behind, he and Gao Kai Dao the space Qian remaining department penny is two, a went up north with Gao Kai Dao, a then be accepted by Sun Xuan Ya in under the debt.
When Sun Xuan Ya was the strongest, the under charge foot had tenth, myriad people, he according to bean Kang but sign, from number together king, robbed at ordinary times everywhere, met strong enemy to then hide into mountain and keep real strenght.
At that time, the Dou sets up virtuous still at Gao Shi Da the effect in debt, Gao Chang still in Sui soldier any Wei in the school, have never been that day outside flown soul soul to attach a body.
For solving 100,000 people's food and clothing, at the invitatio of Wang Bo, Sun Xuan Ya leads battalion the east enter, with Wang Bo, the filial piety is virtuous to constitute allied troops of ten remaining ten thousand, take the offensive chapter Qiu, cross swords Zhang Xu Tuo with Sui.
Zhang Xu Tuo's rate treads to ride 20,000 to meet the enemy, two soldiers cross swords in water beachhead, Wang Bo, Sun Xuan Ya, the Hao filial piety virtuous allied troops suffer utter defeat, because of water drive Zhang Xu Tuo's water soldier blockade, allied troops have no way out, hence, corpse the horizontal time is wild, blocked water river, water is several for it break to flow, the whole river is dyed by the blood red, until the downstream counts in still not dissipation.
After, that battle's Sun Xuan Ya and a little amount confidant can escape life, from now on on hearing Zhang Xu Tuo's name, for of the afraid color change, Zhang Xu Tuo on the first, he the slightest doesn't dare eastern enter, just the turtle shrinks in the bean Kang.
Empress Zhang Xu Tuo drive tile Gang the soldier defeat, the dead is in the war, Sun Xuan Ya this just resumed animation, not much long, Gao Chang occupied plain county, for avoiding Gao Chang, he again leads battalion east to enter and get into county in the North Sea.
Tile Gang Li Mi after claiming to be a Wei male once sent a courier
Sun Xuan Ya, Sun Xuan Ya consents gladly.
In Sun Xuan Ya's eyes, Zhang Xu Tuo is a general celestial spirits person, Li Mi since the ability defeat Zhang Xu Tuo, necessarily is a sky, the male returned by life lord, want to seek Ta-f expensive, the most important is heel to lord son, he the natural no time for waiting ground want to hold close Lee airtightly thick leg, once Li Mi ascends an emperor,Beats By Dre green Monday, he can not also escape an of dukes and marquises.
Is this time, he leads troops'10,000 battalions to enter a plain from county in the North Sea west, cross always help dike, go toward offend bow Gao, dynasty joy life enter hair, superficially is in response to Wang Bo's invitation, re- constitute allied troops with him, actually, what he listen to is Lee to airtightly order.
Airtightly orderany such as non- Lee, Sun Xuan Ya is can't trip this Hun is aqueous, these 10,000 people almost are him all house be, if consume almost exhausted, no longer was like former that sort to easily add, now under Gao Chang Zhi, various county greater half in Hebei's the implementation of various people's livelihood measure, make to flow a people less and less, those also mostly return country to farm from the flowing of thief people, if not that his body is placed in county in the North Sea, could not call these more than 10,000 persons as well.
These 10,000 people is his groundwork places, if all consume on the battlefield, his merit and fame rich and honored perhaps will also now go up in smoke.
Certainly, if not that Gao Chang leads battalion the north advertise for You state, the rear troops is empty, even if is Li Mi's order, he doesn't dare as well to the chin of touching the tiger, in the Sun Xuan Ya's heart, Gao Chang wants than the tiger terrible many.
If inherit happy life, again toward Nanhen sweep letters all, pure river, counties like plain,etc, be Wei Mr. after Li Mi capture easts all, the battalion going up north with it joins forces for battle, that time, oneself perhaps can not take off an of great commander soldier?
Sun Xuan Ya is beaming with smiles, sink to immerse in the fine imagination.
A ride from the low hill descend blunt will come up, that is the herald soldier whom the forward sent.
"Big king!"
Far and far, that person jumps down a horse, dynasty Sun Xuan Ya loudly shouts a way.
Sun Xuan Ya accepts smiling face and re- put a Lin however the carriage of inviolability, imitate a Buddha not equal to this, could not present his big king's dignity.
The generation of the every wild jungle, more value these superficial things, real noble family sons, but not equal to this, speak of, this is also a kind of marvellous of ironic!
"What matter?"
A close Wei blocks at Sun Xuan Ya and that person of before the body, loudly drink a way.
Sun Xuan Ya waves hand to signal hint that close Wei to step aside, that issues on order a soldier to arrive at before the body, and Sun Xuan Ya lies down and then do obeisance.
"Report a big king, Gao general life inferiority comes to report Xun, there is a river water in front block off road, Gao the general let small of come to seek big Wang Tao Ge's idea, whether stop headway, once sent more some patrols first river to probe!"
Sun Xuan Ya's eyebrows is tiny to wrinkle up.
"BE which river flow?Many breadths?Is much deep?"
That person still kneels on the ground and loudly answers a way.
"Report a big king, that river is unknown, a subsidiary current of Zhang water, the river surface is some comprehensivenesses, however river water wasn't deep, the general once sent a person the river found out, there is the deepest place of a river surface also however and the chest was just!Can go on foot to once wade."
Sun Xuan Ya touches the chin considering a short while.
At the beginning, while leading battalion to pass through to always help a dike, he frightened Gao Chang Jun will multiply by them to suddenly start an attack over the river moment, as a result, he lets the battalion stop at always help dike east coast, send a great deal of patrol spend canal westwards the shore find out, had been extending till several in outside, detect Gao Chang Jun never in the canal opposite shore after establishing Fu, just lead battalion to meticulously pass through canal.
Delayed many time thus and naturally.
After, because of frightened Gao Chang Jun ambuscade himself/herself, the marching forward of battalion also seems to be very careful, front soldier, medium soldier, empress the distance of of the soldier keep very close, so although not afraid enemy soldier raid, slowered to march of step.
He knows if this continues isn't a way, when he arrive to enjoy life city a bottom, the enemy perhaps and early prepares appropriate, the being Wang Bo of most perhaps has already occupied plain county, that time, he still has in Wang Bo's in front what face can talk, at the beginning, he was ruthlessly a Ji Feng while hurting in the naval battle Wang Bo Yi's time, this geomancy by turn turn, oneself will also drive that guy the very good Ji Feng is once.
Hasn't been finding out Gao Chang Jun's trace and shadow afterwards, Sun Xuan Ya slowly lets go of heart and thinks the internal emptiness of Gao Chang Jun, those troopses should all have already transfered plain county to go to, after all, Wang Bo than he want first launch, now, perhaps Gao Chang Jun still don't know his/her own this all the way strange soldier?
Hence, he sped marching of whole army speed, no longer such as at the beginning that sort slowly and longly was like stroll to generally march.
Sun Xuan Ya a little bit deliberates a short moment and loudly says.
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