Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facebook Twisted tales of the _394

Export ,shook his head : ,don ,Monsieur the Marquis ,our business matter, confiscated weapons I will give back to create a number of the most sophisticated weapons to compensate you ,I have been in the best restaurants set feasts ,if not to move into .
, relationresult...... , relationresultI,Taoyuan caravan in Jisi specially prepared a manor .relationresultDrunkenat Tula two guards into the room ,Jisi sent here maid let them out .relationresultThe doorshut ,at Tula drunk Yan once disappeared ,he rose from his bed ,look respectful please a security guard into sit .
relationresultPrimas adults ... ... , relationresultTheguards took the rainproof cloak ,his face is the yang .relationresultTheVentura poured him a cup of tea ,Yang Zheng waved him to sit down ,the Tula whispered : ,you just why that we will make out weapons ,I see that geysken fight for us ,why those soldiers to humiliate .
, relationresultThere is reason ,we come here for business ,not aggressive . While Yang Zheng was speaking eyes and now thinking traces .relationresultAfter a while,Facebook,he said: the sea of Tula ,help me to get a set of civilian clothes ,here for a few days ,google,your host and Jisi negotiations ,this should be your best .
, relationresultyou have to go? , relationresultimportant things to do . Yang Zheng then stood up ,patted the shoulder at Tula ,walked out of the door .... ... , relationresultThe fifteenthepisode of the twelfth chapter of God , relationresultUpdate: 2009-1-813:36:15 chapter number :3432 , relationresultPoliticalattention not far from the wall ,at the entrance of the city gate is still a soldier for import and .
relationresultRoadto Mercedes had put the gun sword knight ,had not thought now Wiguran situation became so bad .relationresultHementioned the question back package ,towards the city gates ,at this time his face the vicissitudes of life, magic will he became fifty or sixty years old .
relationresultStop.Check ! , relationresultThesoldiers stopped him .relationresultYang Zhenghoarse voice : army of God ,senescence is a medical officer ,into the city to visit my sick nephew .
, relationresultBecause Yang Zheng isa tall, the soldier should look up to look at him ,not resistant to the gun head poke his package ,said : old man ,open ! , relationresultYang Zheng trembling opens the package ,there are some silver coins ,and several packages of herbs and six blocks up four four square spiced beef .
relationresultThe soldier before going up ,grabbed a piece of beef, towards the back laughs: Hey ,brother ,meat Le ,this several day mouth out of bird . , relationresultSuddenlyfour or five soldier coming ,the Yang Zheng package away ,put the meat grabbed a clean ,even the few coins did not spare ,several packages of herbs scattered on the ground, Yang moved his mouth ,said nothing ,I picked up those medicines .
relationresultSeveral soldierschewing beef ,one of them sighed : is a little wine ,another pot of wine would be perfect . , relationresultThere is no meat or wine . , relationresultDid not think of the old brine meat really good .
A soldier with gun rod poking Yang zheng .relationresultYang Zheng said: army old ,can go into town ? , relationresultLet the old man gave us into town to buy some wine . Several soldiers eyes are bright .
relationresultThe old have no money . , relationresultFuck you, not to know how to appreciate favors . One of the soldiers push .Can not let such a shame Yang ,he grabbed the other hand .
relationresultThe soldierscreams with pain ,several other soldiers surrounded ,gun to stab Yang zheng .relationresult! , relationresultAcavalry rushed from the city ,stopped in front of the door ,who headed a valiant and heroic in bearing ,a pumping whip ,swept away a soldier weapon .
relationresultHerewas a team knight ,red cloak of command .Jiao chest in the badge .relationresultIt is your mother of small leather ... ... Ah ! , relationresultOpeningthe people drink immediately by a fan ,seeing the few Knights sword coming, the soldiers fled helter-skelter ,Yang said : under a waiting here .
I fuck you sooner or later ! , relationresultThe old home ,do not speed . , relationresultTheknight at the trance Yang ,shouted .relationresultYangLuigi Nono should sound, towards the city ran .
At this time, not far from the camp gates out of a lot of soldiers killed ,cry shout came ,the female Knights see they overwhelm with numerical strength .Did not dare to stop ,the horse galloping toward the city .
See Yang Zhengshen kick one foot in the muddy ground potential on the run, only to be the soldiers catch .relationresultLed bythe female Knights flew to his side .Shouted : the old home .
You on the malay . , relationresultShe put out a hand.Yang knew her kindness ,seized his hand .Then a great flood ,did not think this knight force so big ,Yang Zhengjie of the mounted the horse, from behind the crowd Knight waist ,Knight pulling a whip ,horses gallop .
relationresultyou good . Soldiers came back ,Knight still have time to talk to Yang Zheng ,clearly this was not the first time .relationresultYang politicsaround the knight narrow powerful waist ,ha-ha laughs: when the young soldier .
, relationresultNo wonder ,the elderly, the next time you go from the south gate ,where we are in control ,not embarrass you . , relationresulta city of how divided into two army management ?That is where soldiers ,so overbearing .
, relationresultSouthwest army ,always think regard oneself head and shoulders above others ,actually all is rubbish . The knight is quite talkative ,talking off the reel .relationresultYou ? , relationresultyou don ?.
Knight surprised .relationresultYang Zhengand ran a way: come from Hao Ran Union ,here is my hometown ,but I did not have long to come back ,at Hao Ran Union Medical hall for students .
, relationresultWe are the Mazinger army Fourth Battalion ,Lord general name you have heard . Knight with a pride ,very high .relationresultWell, I have to listen ... ... , relationresultBecause thehorse gallop ,the road is not good, horseshoe suddenly limp ,Yang hand to those in Britain chest ,unconsciously scratched ,elastomeric striking .
relationresultKnightcross of his eye ,don blame each other ,in the final analysis , relationresult,and is not intended to ,and their army sisters ,would not do attitude .Yang Anjiao blame ,hands down ,said: I have got rid of them ,as in the old .
, relationresultrethe medical officer ? Knight slowed the horse ,shining eyes staring at him .relationresultIt is . , relationresultThat come with me to the barracks ,a few days ago several sisters and southwest military conflict ,suffered injuries ,you go and check in .
, relationresultYang Zheng didndecline reason ,said ok .relationresultKnighttook him into the city a large house ,dismounted ,the Knight Order Yang go within ,walking and asks : ,don ? ,cnn, relationresultOh ,that I can be a leaf ! , relationresultlands ? Knight steps paused ,staring at Yang Zheng for a while ,weird eyes .
relationresultYour name and Lord general how like ? , relationresultCoincidence ,huh , Yang gave a ha ha : you, call what name ? , relationresultRuili. Kaya ,Ruili can call me . , relationresultYanganswered smiling ,look around ,big house yard is very large, the stables on the side ,several female knight is to brush his horses ,and some of the swordplay ,see City in succession ,relationresultInto thehouse ,send the live scene .
relationresultMaybe it is becauseYang Zheng age reasons, coupled with the explanation ,they also did not escape .relationresultLikeYang Zheng from several familiar figure ,Yang Zheng was appointed Related articles:

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