Sunday, November 25, 2012 son in having of a d

Living to immediately toward sea cloud Yan to say:"Tell you the seniors preparation, 1 set of two people, cut enemy to kill is closing in front!"
"BE, uncle!"
Ms. Hai immediately keeps on turning round, time not big, the good hand of 1,000 remaining courageous camps has already waited for in the front of scaling ladder and draws out weapon between waists, 1 set of two people, prepare to cut to kill.
The star start in the sky must early, the speed pounding at upward is also quick, while he takes the offensive of the directions be apart from an eastern old Sir of text Jia and sea to sign body place not far.Text Jia and sea east Sir's obviously also noticing this is a member of the enemy chief commander, the sea eastern old Sir ordered bottom to say to the text Jia:"See come to this is one member war will, be a very likely to be soul person of forward, hand over to me!"
The sea eastern old Sir finishes saying and then starts a pass in front of the wall, Duo the soldier before the wall call to open and wait for a star sky.
The sky of the star suddenly feels the circumferential pressure let up, the activity immediately speeds, before being apart from Duo 23 meters place Teng body but rise, the big gun rows an arc in the right hand, the left hand a double-edged sword protects before the chest, the double feet steadily step at pass wall up.He raises vision to conjecture, see at own of before the body, an old back hands but sign, the waist hangs a double-edged sword, the double eye,such as cold star sort ground, stares at him, from all over send out of strong vehemence up can see isn't a general superior.
The old ordered bottom to the star sky and said in mouth:"Is very good, please!"
The sky of the star is steady steady mind, looking at the old to suddenly ask a way:"Boy star sky, old Sir's name?"
"Courageous camp pair will, sea east!"
The sky of the star poured to absorb an air conditioner, he knew a courageous camp, this is that snow is seamless with Central plains each parties Wu Lin's superior's team set up of on paying special troops, can compare the United States with shooting of west star star cluster, inside is almost whole is a good hand, but at present of the old claims to be a courageous camp pair will, that is already the identity of generation respected master, look own luck really isn't a general back, pass in the embankment door is his/her own lasting house, the house of lasting death.
"Thank an old Sir to mutually tell, the star sky can get to meet an eastern old Sir of sea is also life honor, please!"
Sea east the Sir nod applause:"Good man pleases!"
The sky of the star knows such as the sea east Sir like this of identity, can't make moves first, he returns a double-edged sword into sheath, the hands present arms, luck rise whole body of capability, the point of a spear continuously vibrates, Huan rise a turn of gun flower, slowly offend one gun at the same time.This gun is the high state that the star whole body in the sky learns, his facing sea east is this generation respected master, really doesn't dare to have to conceal.
"Good!"The sea eastern old Sir drinks a good word, once the body form move and disappear in the visual field from the star sky as the tornado, at the same time a sword light such as lightning flash generally the neck from the star sky brush past, the sea eastern old Sir's body form has already fallen at 5 Chinese feet open outside, returning into the sword already sheath.Spewed out a blood from the neck in star sky to by this time, after starting to hurtle his skull one Chinese foot high fall on the ground, the star corpse in the sky just bombed however fell flop.
"Is a good man, don't humiliate him, post-war elaborate!"The sea east orders the soldier of surroundings.
"BE, old Sir!"A squad grows the answer way of the person of shape, then life the person once pulled the corpse in star sky one side.
The sea eastern old Sir moves forward to return to text Jia a body side.
"Sir indeed as expected good artistic skill, pain!"
"The commander-in-chief is polite!"
Text Jia commander-in-chief and sea east Sir Zong eyes overall situation, direct the ninth to prepare army corps backstroke.Because enemy the first-time attack is very violent, the ninth prepares army corps loss bigger, and along with the carrying on of combat gradual increment, especially after the good hand that shoots star cluster ascended to close enemy more of madness, fight of the vigorous degree attain knives to turn, the text Jia has to throw in follow-up troops gradually and gradually stabilized situation under the help of courageous camp, but war still keep being continuing.
Be responsible for the military officer in the communication to come up a report by this time:"Report commander-in-chief, company's showing commander-in-chief has already known our circumstances, and feel satisfied, orderany my department to determinedly guard pass in the embankment door;Moreover, in the central region, enemy the commander-in-chief Pa Er sand is outstanding to move about 600,000 troopses, is attackstoning us a defense line, in good shape currently."
"What action does the north line have?"
"Return to commander-in-chief, currently north the line is still quieter, however have according to blue claw report enemy's troops to north line sport of evidence, enemy star Hui large unit the first army corps didn't move."
"Continue to keep watch on, tell more with old general, enemy the first army corps is probably an attack north line, tight surveillance the trend of first army corps, can not have the slightest of mistake!"
"BE, commander-in-chief!"
The sea moves an old Sir to aside finish listenning to and say:"See to the sand of Pa Er is to start out all main forces especially, prepare to with one action take down region in the embankment door, the strength from its thing attack and send army of amount up see, he still has reservation, if north the line is the point of attack, necessarily is a first army corps is beyond doubt!"
"BE exactly, I really worry north line,beats by dre cheap!Cough, not know medium road war situation how, text sincerely and Kai force can crest live the sand of Pa Er especially of head round attack, once shot Kui it took the offensive for the first time and hereafter did so much many."
"The commander-in-chief need not worry, I think text sincerely and Kai force commander-in-chief will the crest live of, be not still have blue bird first army corps!"
"Say of is also, ha ha!"
Two people aren't and up and vigorously worried about the medium road war situation, but also make, have to of one heart and mind work well an at present affair.
Especially the sand of Pa Er prince's his highness starts out 700,000 battalions and divide left win right three roads to blue bird soldier embankment pass city with face embankment to protect the battlefield of of city to kill, right road star Zhi horse of 200,000 people, with Kai Wu Bu protection city for the point attackstone object, left road the North Sea clearly with the embankment close city for point, 200,000 North Seas, reflect the troops in month present attack carriage to push forward forward, medium the road Pa Er sand lift 300,000 troops in person especially, in order to prevent line of center is attack point, full of bellicositily kill to a battlefield.
The embankment closes city with faced embankment to protect city to outside build four defense lines, was apart from two cities' farthest a defense lines to contain 20 insides, recent of between two cities, connective two cities.
Currently, garrison in having of a defense line and prepare 5, 6, 7, 8th army corpses, 200,000 people, Kai force commander-in-chief defend the troops of protection city to take out half 100,000 people, match defend a defense line, blue bird the chariot camp of first army corps almost and all sent in the forefront.
The rear 50 meters distance in a defense line dugout, 1,300 Nu cars one the word row open, continuous ten remaining in, on the front line of the Nu car, the roads are all flattenned by the stone Nian, the convenient Nu car is or so to move, mutual support, Nu car the hand etc. person to sign in the Nu car of two sides and empress department, the Nu car has already all adjusted to try to complete, but in more far some rears, the lapidating car of two big brigades attackstones brigade battlefield embattled.
The distance with three insides of the first and the second dugout, there is people in the second dugout regiment etc. constitute of prepare a brigade, support a forefront at any time, receive to harm a member and deliver supplies, help a front line to withdraw back to defend when the circumstance takes place to change,cheap beats by dre, but blue bird the heavy infantry camp of first army corps station here, it is some to ride a soldier soon afterward 17th army corps.
The commander-in-chief company shows a station in the in command of upstairs, the trend of awake front enemy, in the north, text sincerely the commander-in-chief also is to come in person a forefront, direct an embankment pass the defense before the city, in the south, the Kai is martial is also sit a front line in person, conductor fight.
Blue bird dynasty pass the second-time battle in embankment door, all of three chief commanders come in person a forefront and biggest encouraged the soldier's morale, according to in advance agreeing on of battle plan, each one worked well defense to fight preparation.
The company shows a station aloft and see a Pa Er sand in afar handsome ensign especially at own right ahead, the whole battalion is divided into three, is gradually stepping up of started an attack first in the drumbeat, before three troopses are more outstanding than each soldier, but in the center of all the way, the direction is exactly his/her own front.
At attackstone troops of most before, about 500 chariots one word arrange and slowly pushes forward and follow behind in the chariot behind of is the heavy infantry of an army corps, the long gun soldier of an army corps, again behind is following of the whole battalion troops.
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